

 発端は、THE NEWSというカナダのニュースサイトのTwins get identical sentence for identical crimeという記事。
 これが、元記事→Sankaku Complexアメーバニューススラッシュドットと流れてきて僕の目に入ってきたわけだ。この頃は「スラド」ではなく、「スラッシュドット」だった。

Twins get identical sentence for identical crime

NEW GLASGOW - Twin brothers, twin offences, twin sentences.
David Scott Hammond and James Corey Hammond, both 20, were each ordered to serve a three-month intermittent sentence and 18 months of probation for downloading Japanese anime images and live images of child pornography. The brothers were charged last November after their sister-in-law saw some "distressing" images of children "as young as two years of age" on two computers in the New Glasgow home where the twins resided, special Crown attorney Craig Botterill told New Glasgow provincial court Wednesday.
Both men admitted to downloading images.
"It's impossible to tell which young man did what from a forensic perspective," Botterill said. "Both acknowledge they had been accessing and downloading these images."
The images included "videos depicting sexual assaults of barely pubescent boys, around 12 years old, some pictures and cartoon drawings," Botterill said. Approximately 90 per cent of the images were of cartoon drawings called Japanese Anime, while the remainder were of actual children. An examination of the computer showed that one or both of the Hammond twins had done Google queries to see if anime was legal, Botterill said. While it is legal in the United States, Canada has taken a firm stance that the representations constitute child pornography.
Both Corey and David had been sent for a risk assessment through the provincial sex offender treatment program. David's report was fairly positive and indicated he had a low risk to re-offend, prompting the Crown to reduce his charges to a summary offence, which lowers the mandatory minimum sentence that comes with a guilty plea. Corey's report, however, was not as bright. The report's author said that Corey admitted that he was attracted to 12-year-old boys and sometimes, while walking down the street, "thought of using toys to approach boys of that age in the community, which is of some concern to the Crown," Botterill said.
An examination of the computer showed that one twin had visited an American site that assists people with approaching young teen boys and advocates relationships with young boys. Further, psycho-somatic testing showed that when Corey was presented with visual stimuli, he indicated strong physiological preferences to pre-pubescent boys between the ages of 12 and 15 and had strong responses to sexual abuse of children as young as eight years old. Corey was placed at just below a moderate risk to re-offend. During the course of the testing, he needed help, a sentiment he echoed during his court appearance Wednesday.
David's report indicating he had less of a predatory bent, but he also expressed a desire for help.
The Crown recommended both twins receive the same sentence, although the mode of trial was different for both boys.
A mandatory minimum sentence of 14 days in jail is required for a summary conviction of this crime - which David is subject to - while the mandatory minimum sentence for an indictable conviction, like Corey's, is 45 days.
The Crown pressed for four months in jail, saying the sentence has to serve as a deterrent for others and denounce the crime publicly as well as punishment for the brothers, but both defence attorneys argued against the sentence. Both defence attorneys pushed for a lighter sentence. Corey's lawyer, Steve Robertson, expressed concerns about how the twins would handle jail.
Judge Theodore Tax said that imposing a minimum sentence would not make clear that anime child pornography was illegal in Canada.
"The images creates a market, whether anime or live images, and victimizes the people that are most vulnerable," said Tax.
ニューグラスゴー 双子の兄弟、双子の犯罪、双子の判決
 20歳の双子の兄弟、デイビッド・スコット・ハモンドとジェイムズ・コーレイ・ハモンドは3ヶ月のintermittent sentence(特定の日にのみ受ける懲役刑)と18ヶ月の保護観察処分を受けた。日本のアニメ画像と児童ポルノ画像をダウンロードしたためである。



 "Crown"の意味がよく分からんかったけど、文脈上「裁判所」とか「判事」とかになりそう。そんで調べてみると、刑事法院(Crown Court)というものがあるそうで、Wikipediaによると「イングランドおよびウェールズにおける刑事事件を扱う裁判所 」なのだとか。他にもConsel to theCrownなんて言葉もあって「英国の支配者の弁護士として働くために選ばれる法廷弁護士」だそうな。こちらも英国か。そんで、もうちょい調べてみると、Wikipedia国王(法人)の項目に「訴追を担当する弁護士(しばしば、カナダやイギリスの検察官と同様に"Crown prosecutor"と呼ばれる)」と書いてあった。つまり、日本で言うところの検察で大体意味が合う。ここまで分かって読み返してみると、"Crown attorney"って書いてあることに気付く。意味は"a lawyer who represents the government in court trials"だってさ。やっぱ、現地の文化を知らないと翻訳は難しいね。
 Shotacon Twins Jailed “Manga Victimises Children”(魚拓)という記事となっている。

Shotacon Twins Jailed “Manga Victimises Children”
Two twins who downloaded a variety of shotacon materials have been jailed for possessing “virtual child pornography,” with the judge condemning them for “victimising” imaginary children.

The men, both 20 and residents of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, were reported to police by a sister-in-law after she came accross “distressing” images on their computer.

Police searches soon found a substantial collection of shotacon material on their computers, saying 90% were “cartoon drawings called Japanese Anime.”

The pair, one of whom is said to be an active homosexual, were subsequently charged with possession of child pornography, both for the minority of real images and their manga collection, which under Canadian law is considered “virtual child pornography.”

The state prosecutor insists that victimising fictional children is a very serious offence:

“Every one of these images involves the victimization of children. The victimization wouldn’t happen in the first place if there weren’t people there to look at this material.”

The judge was equally scathing, saying the drawings “victimize” children:

“This is a crime that victimizes young people around the world. It creates a market which then re-victimizes the most vulnerable in society.
The images can only be regarded as disgusting and perverse.”

The judge handed down a three month prison sentence for each of the twins, ordering they be registered as sex offenders, provide DNA samples and refrain from contact with children, presumably including imaginary ones as well. A sex offenders’ treatment programme will attempt to cure them of their deviant lusts.

In a final twist to the case, the court accepted arguments that the pair, having been branded pederasts for the rest of their lives, would likely be in danger if housed amongst the general prison population. As a result they get to serve their sentence only on weekends, and in protective custody.

Although drawn imagery depicting underage sexual activity is constitutionally protected free speech in the USA, and has been upheld as such despite a variety of efforts to ban it, Canada possesses no such checks to the power of legislators, and consequently draconian laws against “virtual child pornography” are freely enforced.
 裁判官も同様にイラストが子供を犠牲にすると詰った。「これは世界中の若者に対する犯罪であり、弱者を傷つけるマーケットを作り出すことになる」  この画像は嫌悪感を催すことしかできない。

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